May 3, 2010


Now that it's officially hot and humid here in Manhattan, walking to work isn't ideal. I think I need a new method of transportation for getting there- and PUBLIC bikes may be my answer.

PUBLIC, a new bike company by "Design Within Reach" designer Rob Forbes, is taking the pain out of acquiring another elusive design object- the practical city bike with classic Dutch and Danish style. A longtime urban cyclist himself, Forbes spent the last ten years opening bike lanes and encouraging alternative transportation (with help from Mayor Bloomberg).

PUBLIC bikes encourage an upright posture and better visibility. They have two frame styles, both unisex, and both made from lightweight steel. They will only come in four colors and three gear configurations (1, 3, 8-speed). Prices will range from $650 to $1,200.

If you live here in Manhattan, you can test ride one of these bikes at the Tretorn Store at 150 Spring Street mid-May 2010, just as their online store opens. Check them out here.

1 comment:

  1. I like - though Republic Bikes (no relation to Public bikes) takes the cake for affordable stylish bikes. Plus their custom color options are endless (and the digital bike builder is fun to play with). check it
